Cyclebeat Club Donates!

December 2020:

On December 21, Cyclebeat Club owner Sally Larrington-Brown was honoured to pass on a $5,000 dollar cheque from an anonymous donor to Leanne Kopp, Executive Director of the Island Prostate Centre. They are a non profit community organization which is 100% local and not affiliated with Prostate Cancer Canada. I would describe IPC as the most wonderful family that gives support to you and your family members that have to experience this undeserving disease!

Did you know 1 in 7 men in Canada will be affected by prostate cancer in their lifetime? If diagnosed early the outcomes for many is significantly better and may save their lives. As with all cancers, it isn’t just the person affected by this disease, spouses and families also bear this terrible burden. Here’s some stats from the Island Prostate Centres website:

“Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Canadian men. In 2017, it was estimated that over 800 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer on Vancouver Island, 3,800 men were diagnosed in total in British Columbia. If caught early, these numbers could be significantly lower.

  • For men in British Columbia, prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed type of cancer.

  • On average, 475 Canadian men will be diagnosed every week.

  • On average, 83 Canadian men will die of the disease every week.

  • When caught and treated early, prostate cancer has a 90-95% survival rate.”

The compassionate people at Island Prostate Centre offer a variety of services for the newly diagnosed and their spouses. Please join with me in supporting this local non profit organization and visit their website, phone or donate here.

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