Why Do Males Burn More Calories Than Females?

December 19, 2024

Written by Sally Larrington-Brown

If you recall, at our Spin Studio, everyone's heart rates and estimated calorie (energy) burns are displayed on our huge TV screen. You should know that these stats vary greatly from person to person. You've probably also noticed that, generally, males tend to burn more calories than females! Urgh...

WHY is this?! Well, here are some interesting reasons:

Training Intensity: Adding higher-intensity bursts (known as HITT) burns more calories. Also incorporating - increasing speed, range, or resistance on your bike can enhance caloric expenditure. Plus, if you are riding a hill, the average female will be in gears 14-17, the average male would be in gear 16-19 hence more energy output.

Muscle Mass: Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue. So incorporating body weight training with our RX classes, can help boost calorie burn by increasing muscle mass.

Biological Sex: Males generally burn more calories than women due to larger body size and higher muscle mass. Females naturally store more fat for reproductive and hormonal purposes.

Fitness Level: As fitness improves, the body becomes more efficient, burning fewer calories for the same workout. Changing routines can help maintain calorie burn meaning pushing yourself out of a comfort level periodically through your ride.

Age: Muscle mass and metabolic rate tend to decrease with age, which can lower the calorie burn. Strength training, using your bodyweight with RX helps counteract this decline.

Weight: Heavier individuals burn more calories because it requires more energy to move their bodies. Larger internal organs also play a role in energy expenditure. 

No need to get discouraged though, as exercise has many benefits beyond calorie burn, such as improved cardiovascular health, better sleep, and reduced risk of chronic conditions.

If you'd like more in depth info on this topic, please check out this article in Everyday Health.


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