Spin Away Bullying with Cyclebeat Club Pink Shirt Day

Feb. 21, 2023

Written by Sally Larrington-Brown

What is Pink Shirt Day? 

Pink Shirt Day is an anti-bullying movement that started in Canada in 2007 when two students in Nova Scotia took a stand against homophobic bullying in support of their fellow grade 9 student who was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. In honour of their brave act of solidarity, people across Canada began wearing pink shirts on February 22nd every year in support of anti-bullying campaigns around the world. We at Cyclebeat Club have chosen to extend this tradition into every day as a symbol of our commitment to creating an encouraging and empowering atmosphere for everyone who walks through our doors. 

How Does Cyclebeat Celebrate Pink Shirt Day? 

At Cyclebeat Club, we want everyone who walks through our doors to feel accepted and welcomed regardless of their size or shape. That's why we've dedicated ourselves to creating an atmosphere free from judgement or intimidation—one where anyone can come exercise without fear or embarrassment. We celebrate Pink Shirt Day every day by providing a supportive space for all members of our community, whether they are just starting out or already seasoned professionals. You won't find any sign-up fees here at Cyclebeat Club; only an open invitation to spin away your worries with us! 


Join us at Cyclebeat Club this week for some pink shirt power! Every day is Pink Shirt Day here, so come join us for some cardio excitement and leave feeling empowered! Whether you're new to spinning or have years under your belt, there's no better place than Cyclebeat Club to get your sweat on while sending a message that bullying will not be tolerated in any form. Together, let's show the world that kindness always wins! Let's spin together today!


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